What is acute and chronic diseases? Give suitable examples.
What is an Acute Disease?
A few diseases occur suddenly and last for a few days. These are known as acute diseases, such as the common cold. This condition can be treated with medical treatment or on its own. Many times, acute diseases turn chronic if they continue to persist.
Acute diseases can occur throughout all body systems. E.g., an asthma attack is acute which later turns chronic. Strep throat, broken bone, appendicitis, influenza, pneumonia, etc. are some of the acute diseases.
What is a Chronic Disease?
The diseases that occur over a period of time and last longer, or even for a lifetime are called chronic diseases. Generally, if a disease lasts for more than three years it is called chronic disease. Initially, the symptoms are very mild. A chronic disease progresses slowly and damages the body severely. It might sometimes be fatal.
An acute disease appears suddenly and lasts for a short amount of time. Common cold, typhoid, jaundice, cholera, burns, are some of the acute diseases.
Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both. Chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes