What is Alignment in computer ??
Answer:Alignment is how text flows in relation to the rest of the page (or column, table cell, text box, etc.). There are four main alignments: left, right, center, and justified. Left-aligned text is text that is aligned with a left edge. Right-aligned text is text that is aligned with a right edge.
Answer:Alignment is how text flows in relation to the rest of the page (or column, table cell, text box, etc.). There are four main alignments: left, right, center, and justified. Left-aligned text is text that is aligned with a left edge. Right-aligned text is text that is aligned with a right edge.Explanation:
Alignment refers to where and how the text lines up. Default settings in Microsoft Word will left- align your text, but there are many other ways to format a document's alignment. ... You can apply these alignment options to a specific section by first highlighting the text and then entering the desired keyboard command.