What is Alopecia?
what is the cure for it?
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The cause of alopecia areata is probably an autoimmune reaction. This means the body's immune system incorrectly attacks the body's own cells. In the case of alopecia areata, the cells under attack are in the hair follicles (structures that grow hair), especially follicles within the scalp.
•Corticosteroids. Your doctor may prescribe a corticosteroid to suppress your immune system.
•Topical immunotherapy. This treatment boosts your immune system to help your body fight the condition.
•Minoxidil (Rogaine) ...
•Diphencyprone (DPCP) ...
•Ultraviolet light therapy. ...
» Common
More than 1 million cases per year (India)
Treatment can help, but this condition can't be cured
Requires a medical diagnosis
Lab tests or imaging not required
Medium-term: resolves within monthsCorticosteroids. Your doctor may prescribe a corticosteroid to suppress your immune system. ...
Topical immunotherapy. This treatment boosts your immune system to help your body fight the condition. ...
Minoxidil (Rogaine) ...
Diphencyprone (DPCP) ...
Ultraviolet light therapy. ...
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