What is Amoeba and Paramoecium ??
Amoeba: Amoeba is a unicellular protozoan which moves by temporary projections called pseudopodia.
Paramecium: Paramecium is a single-celled freshwater animal with a characteristic slipper-like shape.
Amoeba: Amoeba is a unicellular eukaryote living in fresh water ponds and wet soil. It also lives as a parasite inside animal bodies. Amoeba is irregular in shape and has a diameter of 0.1 mm. The cell membrane of the amoeba comprises an outer and an inner endoplasm. Amoeba cell contains a membrane-bound nucleus, food vacuoles and contractile vacuoles in its single-celled body. The propagation of amoeba occurs by forwarding its cytoplasm. The formation of pseudopodium allows amoeba to move slowly. The pseudopodium is also called a false foot. This movement is referred to as amoeboid movement. Typically, amoeba eats bacteria, algae, plant cells, and other microscopic organisms. The process of feeding is referred to as phagocytosis in which pseudopodia is formed to engulf the food particle. The engulfed food is digested inside a vacuole in the body and wastes are eliminated by exocytosis.
Paramoecium: Paramecium is another unicellular eukaryote, which lives in fresh water and decaying organic matter. It has a slipper-like shape with a length of 0.3 mm. The outer surface of the paramecium is covered by cilia. A paramecium cell contains a large macronucleus and a micronucleus with food vacuole and contractile vacuoles. An oral groove is found on one side of the organism, which forms the gullet, ending with a cytostome. The swim-like locomotion occurs by the beatings of cilia in water. The forward movement is achieved by the backward beats of cilia and the backward movement is achieved by the forward beats of cilia. The cilia are also involved in feeding by moving food into the gullet. The ingested food is digested inside a vacuole and the wastes are eliminated through the anal pore. Paramecium asexually reproduces by binary fission under favorable conditions. Under unfavorable conditions, paramecium reproduces sexually by conjugation. Paramecium is also sensitive to changes in the environment such as temperature, light, chemicals, as well as touch.
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