what is amoeba what is the role of peseudopodia in amoeba
True amoeba (genus Amoeba) and amoeboid (amoeba-like) cells form pseudopodia for locomotion and ingestion of particles. Pseudopodia form when the actin polymerization is activated. The actin filaments that form in the cytoplasm push the cell membrane resulting in the formation of temporary projection.
True amoeba (genus Amoeba) and amoeboid (amoeba-like) cells form pseudopodia for locomotion and ingestion of particles. Pseudopodia form when the actin polymerization is activated. The actin filaments that form in the cytoplasm push the cell membrane resulting in the formation of temporary projection.
Amoeba engulfs food by temporary finger-like projections of its body surface called pseudopodia. When a pseudopodium fuses with the food particle, it forms a food vacuole.Pseudopodia are an example of blunt transient processes employed by cells such as amoeba or the neutrophil leucocyte for locomotion and the uptake of food particles and /or other extraneous matter.