what is an element ? how many elements are there?
Where are 118 elements
An element is a substance whose atoms all have the same number of protons: another way of saying this is that all of a particular element's atoms have the same atomic number.
Elements are chemically the simplest substances and hence cannot be broken down using chemical reactions. Elements can only be changed into other elements using nuclear methods.
Although an element’s atoms must all have the same number of protons, they can have different numbers of neutrons and hence different masses. When atoms of the same element have different numbers of neutrons, they are called isotopes.There are currently 118 accepted elements.
We use the periodic table to display all of the elements in an organized way.
Elements Ancient and Modern
Some elements have been known for thousands of years, and we do not know who discovered them. These are: antimony, arsenic, carbon, copper, iron, gold, lead, mercury, silver, sulfur, and tin.
All other elements have been discovered since 1669: this was the year Hennig Brand became the first known person to discover a new element - phosphorus.