What is an ore? Write the formula of an ore of each of magnesium and iron
1.ore : Bauxite
chemical name :Hydrated aluminium oxide
formula : A1203.2H20
2. ore: Cryolite
chemical name :Sodium aluminium fluoride
formula :Na3AlF6
3. ore :Corundum
chemical name :Anhydrous aluminium oxide
formula :A1203
~Im not sure if those are the one that ur asking..
Here is you answer ^_^
Ore:- An Ore is a naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be extracted profitably. Ore refers to the original material mined before it is processed. Take for example copper ore, a copper ore will have about 3% copper when just mined. This ore will then be processed during which time some waste will be removed thus increasing the copper content to about 30% for concentrate which is later smelted to 98% and finally refined to 99.99% copper cathode.
Ores of magnesium with formula :-
natural mineral formations that contain magnesium in sufficient quantity to make extraction economically feasible. Magnesium is a component of more than 100 minerals, among them brucite, Mg(OH)2, containing 41.7 per-cent Mg; magnesite, MgCO3 (28.8 percent Mg); dolomite, MgCO3.CaCO3 (18.2 percent Mg); kieserite, MgSO4.H2O (17.6 percent Mg); bischofite, MgCl2.6H2O( 12.0 percent Mg); langbeinite, 2MgSO4.K2SO4 (11.7 percent Mg); epsomite, MgS04-7H20 (9.9 percent Mg); kainite, MgSO4.KC1.3H2O (9.8 percent Mg); carnallite, MgCl2.KCl-6H2O (8.8 percent Mg); astrakanite, MgSO4.Na2SO4.4H2O (7.3 percent Mg); and polyhalite, MgSO4.2CaSO4-K2SO4.2H2O (4.2 percent Mg).
Ore if Iron with formula:-
Siderite FeCO3
Bog iron Limonite plus dirt
Pyrite FeS2
Wüstite FeO