What is anaemia give its ethological and morphological classification of anaemia?
Anemia is associated with a decrease in red blood cells, or hemoglobin concentration. Ways of classifying anemia depend on the size and hemoglobin content of the red blood cells (morphological) or the mechanism (pathological).Anemia results when there is a deficiency of red blood cells or a decreased amount of hemoglobin. This diminishes the blood's ability to carry oxygen and leads to symptoms like fatigue, lightheartedness, and shortness of breath.Anemia is classified in two ways, either morphological classification or pathophysiological classification. The morphological classification is based on the size or volume of the red blood cell and may also be classified by the hemoglobin content of the red blood cell. A red blood cell of a normal size or volume is said to be normocytic.
With our earlier terminology lesson this term becomes easy to recall. With this understanding it is easy to see that if the cell volume is decreased, then we will have an abnormally small cell, or it is said to be microcytic, and if the volume is increased, we will have an abnormally large cell, and we can use the term macrocytic.