What is anaerobic respiration?
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Anaerobic respiration is respiration using electron acceptors other than molecular oxygen (O2). Although oxygen is not the final electron acceptor, the process still uses a respiratory electron transport chain.[1]
In aerobic organisms undergoing respiration, electrons are shuttled to an electron transport chain, and the final electron acceptor is oxygen. Molecular oxygen is a highly oxidizing agent and, therefore, is an excellent electron acceptor. In anaerobes, other less-oxidizing substances such as Sulphate (SO42−), Nitrate (NO3−), Sulphur (S), or Fumarate are used. These terminal electron acceptors have smaller reduction potentials than O
Anaerobic respiration is the process of creating energy without the presence of oxygen.
Sometimes the body can’t supply the muscles with the oxygen it needs to create energy – such as in a sprinting situation. Without the process of anaerobic respiration there may be no energy supplied to muscles in times of high demand.