English, asked by anikasarawat, 1 month ago

What is Analogy , Conjuction, Punctuation, Prefix, Suffix
Give Examples​


Answered by afreen123454


Prefixes are added before the word and they give negative meaning.

Ex:unhappy,reproduce, immoral etc...

Suffixes are added after the word.

Ex:development, employment etc..

Answered by Anonymous



  • Analogy involves the study of organs that are evolved from different ancestors but perform a similar function.
  • example : wings of bat , wings of insects.


  • word used to interface provisions or sentences or to organize words in a similar proviso
  • example furthermore, yet etc.


  • Punctuation is a set of marks that regulates and clarifies the meanings of different texts.
  • Example : period, comma, exclamation point, question mark, colon, semicolon, bullet point, dash, hyphen, parenthesis, bracket, brace, ellipsis, quotation mark, and apostrophe etc.

Prefix & Suffix

  • A prefix is a gathering of letters put before the base of a word.
  • A postfix is a gathering of letters set after the base of a word.
  • Example : the word flavorless comprises of the root word "flavor" joined with the addition "- less" [which signifies "without"]; "flavorless" signifies "having no flavor."

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