Hindi, asked by IonicYadav, 1 year ago

what is analytic solution​


Answered by AravindhPrabu2005


  • In mathematics, some problems can be solved analytically and numerically. An analytical solution involves framing the problem in a well-understood form and calculating the exact solution.
  • A numerical solution means making guesses at the solution and testing whether the problem is solved well enough to stop.
  • "Analytically" comes from the same root as "analysis," which in mathematics loosely means the study of the properties of objects.
  • In this case, analytically solving an equation means finding a solution simply by exploiting known rules: addition and subtraction, associativity, commutativity, etc.
  • Analytic Methods. The use of algebraic and/or numeric methods as the main technique for solving a math problem.
  • The instructions "solve using analytic methods" and "solve analytically" usually mean that no calculator is allowed.
  • Numerical methods use exact algorithms to present numerical solutions to mathematical problems.
  • Analytic methods use exact theorems to present formulas that can be used to present numerical solutions to mathematical problems with or without the use of numerical methods.

hope it helps

pls mark it as a brainliest...

Answered by dheerajy30530


An analytical solution involves framing the problem in a well-understood form and calculating the exact solution. A numerical solution means making guesses at the solution and testing whether the problem is solved well enough to stop.

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