Science, asked by fatiiparkar, 1 year ago

What is Annulin protein?​


Answered by avinash993650


Insulin is a protein chain or peptide hormone. There are 51 amino acids in an insulin molecule. It has a molecular weight of 5808 Da. Insulin is produced in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. The name insulin comes from the Latin ''insula'' for "island" from the cells that produce the hormone in the pancreas.


hope it will help you thankyou ☺️☺️

Answered by ItzSharmaji

Annulin, a protein whose general stage- and position-specific expression pattern in the grasshopper embryo is described in the companion paper, is expressed in epithelial annuli in developing limbs. Here, we show that these annuli comprise narrow circumferential bands of epithelial cells at the boundaries of limb segments. At most boundaries, expression of annulin precedes the first morphological signs of segmentation. The most distal cells in a band underlie the boundary invagination. Bands arise in a stereotyped order and, within a band, expression occurs in an ordered circumferential progression. Annulin has a molecular weight of about 97 kDa and appears to be intracellular and peripherally associated with the inner leaflet of the cell membrane.

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