What is apiculture? What are its advantages? Describe various management practices adopted for obtaining higher yield of honey.
Apiculture is a process of keeping bees as well as manufacturing honey and beeswax.
Advantages of apiculture :-
1) It has positive ecological consequences.
2) Bees plays an important in pollination of many flowering plants.
3) Honey produced by apiculture is a delicious and highly nutritious food.
The study was carried out in Saudi Arabia taking sample respondents from five regions. The regions were selected based on their potential for beekeeping and availability of information in line with the specific objective of the study. Accordingly, Madinah, Haiel, Taif, Jazan and Al-Baha regions were chosen and 30, 30, 31, 45 and 46 respondents respectively were selected from these regions, through random sampling techniques. Thus, the total sample size of the study was 182 beekeepers. According to Storck et al. (1991), the sample size should depend on the funds and time available as well as other factors but not necessarily on the total population. Both traditional and box hive owners were included in the sample respondents to analyze and compare the productivity and profitability of the two hive types.