Hindi, asked by gara23, 1 year ago

What is archaeology​


Answered by riddhimavarshney


Archaeology is fundamentally the study of humanity and its past. Archaeologists study things that were created, used or changed by humans. They do this by studying the material remains — the stuff we leave behind, such as lithic tools, a simple hut dwelling, a skeleton covered with gold jewelry or a pyramid that majestically rises from a desert floor. Sometimes, archaeologists study contemporary societies in order to shed light on those that flourished in the past.

Archaeology is practiced around the world by archaeologists who work with people from a wide variety of other disciplines to help answer questions about who we are and where we came from. In doing so, archaeologists find evidence that sheds light on what our future may bring.

Answered by soumikmandal


Archaeology, or archeology, is the study of human activity through the recovery and analysis of material culture. The archaeological record consists of artifacts, architecture, biofacts or ecofacts and cultural landscapes. Archaeology can be considered both a social science and a branch of the humanities.

पुरातत्वशास्त्र वह विज्ञान है जो पुरानी वस्तुओं का अध्ययन व विश्लेषण करके मानव-संस्कृति के विकासक्रम को समझने एवं उसकी व्याख्या करने का कार्य करता है। यह विज्ञान प्राचीन काल के अवशेषों और सामग्री के उत्खनन के विश्लेषण के आधार पर अतीत के मानव-समाज का सांस्कृतिक-वैज्ञानिक अध्ययन करता है।

Hope it helps

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