Physics, asked by rishi853555, 1 year ago

what is balanced and unbalanced force​


Answered by omkhengle4


Balance forces are two forces acting in opposite directions on an object, and equal in size. Anytime there is a balanced force on an object, the object stays still or continues moving continues to move at the same speed and in the same direction. It is important to note that an object can be in motion even if there are no forces acting on it.

Answered by Urvashigaur02


Balanced Force:-The two forces acting on an object in opposite directions equal in magnitude (numerical value)...i.e.the net Force is zero(0) Newton(N)...

Unbalanced Force:- The two forces acting on an object in opposite directions unequal in magnitude (numerical value)...i.e. the net Force is not zero (0)Newton(N)...

<Marquee behavior>#Bebrainly❤️

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