what is best place to learn anime drawing
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How Drawing is like Kung Fu
The reasons you don't draw.
Brush Lee
"I can't draw a straight line."
"I can't even draw a good stick figure."
"Artists are so lucky that they've got the talent to draw."
I've heard all the excuses in the book on why you can't draw.
I'm here to tell you right now, that that's all they are, EXCUSES.
The truth is, you're afraid. Afraid to fail. Afraid of being laughed at. Afraid of being mocked. Afraid of WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW.
Well guess what? Here, you learn what you don't know. Here, you will be shown the steps. Here, you will discard your fear.
"But I have no TALENT for drawing!"
I'm here to tell you that talent, TRUE natural drawing talent, is only good for one thing:
Making you WANT to draw more.
But a person with less talent or no talent, can usually end up drawing better than someone with natural talent simply by working at it. <=CLICK TO TWEET
The Problem with Talent
Since drawing comes easy for the talented, they often rely on it like a crutch. Talent can often be a fatal drawing flaw. I've seen talented artists become stagnant and never improve because they rely on their talent too much.
Some talented people when confronted with a need to improve their skills, quit when they realize that it's difficult and requires work. They think they shouldn't HAVE to work at it. After all, they're talented.
Worse of all, some talented people think they're the BEST draftsmen out there, and when they come face to face with draftsmen who are better, they simply quit, rather than work at improving.
This is where a person with less talent or no talent has an advantage. They've never had it easy, so the work is part of the drawing experience. Something they take for granted.
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