what is bills in maths
We will learn about bills and billing of different items.
we go to market to buy various items like potatoes, fruits, vegetables,
clothes etc. in different quantity. The shopkeeper gives us articles
and we make the payment to him of the total cost of these articles. The
shopkeeper keeps a record of the articles we purchase.
slip of paper on which a shopkeeper notes down the requirements of a
customer or buyer and calculates the total cost of items purchased is
called a BILL.
Here is your bill. The total amount has come to $ 199.50
The customer reads the bill carefully. He also checks the total amount shown in the bill.
In our daily life, we receive a variety of bills for example telephone bill, cooking gas bill, provisions bill etc.
Uses of Bill
1. A shopkeeper can keep a track on the day sales.
2. The customer can cross check the prices items purchased and their total cost.
3. In case of any problem, the customer can change the item easily by showing the bill.