What is bio paricy? How does it effect a country?
Bio piracy is the exploitation of someone's knowledge about any resource and claiming it as self work. It's all in all same just as plaigiarism, copying somebody's work and presenting it to the world as your own idea. Bio piracy happens when any research group or organisation use a country's resources, especially from a less developed country without any legal permission and they come out with something new claiming it as their own invention. It has very severe effect on the country's economy and it could lead to ethical and moral issues. For example your friend has found something valueable in your backyard and he doesn't tell you, he goes and claims it as his discovery and becomes famous enjoying all the riches. But later you find out that it was your treasure and you even feel very bad as you are in urgent need of money. Just imagine the situation? Would you still be able to maintain the same friendship with your friend?(moral issue) And here we talk about two country's just think how big the effect could be. People would never believe each other. Because of bio piracy you are altering the natural genetic makeup of a resource which even has ill effects on the environment.

As a result of bio piracy there are many negative effects on bio diversity such as extinction of endemic living organisms, depletion of bio diversity, and privatization of bio treasures of the country. ... Furthermore, it affects the cultural identity and the traditional knowledge of the indigenous people in the country.