what is biological water cycle . explain me
Water continuously moves from the earth to the air and comes back to the earth again. This continuous circulation of water in nature is called the biological water cycle.
➡ The water from seas, ponds, lakes etc., evaporates due to the heat of sun.
➡ Plants also give out large amounts of water as water vapour. This water vapour rises up in the atmosphere.
➡ The air higher up in the atmosphere is cooler and its condenses the water vapour into tiny drops of water.
➡ These tiny drops combine to form clouds which on further cooling, fall down as rain.
➡ In colder weather, the water may fall As Hail or Snow.
➡ The rainwater again flows into the water bodies like seas, rivers etc.
➡ It may seep as underground water.
➡ The water again evaporates and the water cycle goes on.

HLO FRIEND ☺️☺️☺️☺️❤️❤️❤️
The biosphere consist of two important components i;e biotic component and Abiotic component.
Now these two components are continuously interacting with each other to make this system dynamic but a very stable one. so in this system there occurs transfer of matter and energy between the various components.
so let's discuss about a process which helps in maintaining the balance of biosphere i;e water cycle.......
The water cycle in nature is also know as hydrological cycle.There are various steps involved in water cycle......
firstly when the sun shine with the hit of the sun the water on the earth surface it evaporates, it evaporates in the form of water, vapour.
Now these water vapour being lighter than the air they rise up.
second as we know the plants continuously absorbs water with the help of their roots.some of these water is utilized within their bodies for the process of photosynthesis and the axis of water . It is removed from the plant body with the help of leaves and this process is called transportation.
so when these water vapours are released out of the plant again they rise up into the atmosphere.Also with the help of another process which is called as respiration these living plants they released some amount of water vapours
these water vapours they also add up into the atmosphere in the next step the water vapors when they rise up they get cooled.
so now these water vapours they condensed to form tiny droplets of water .
These tiny droplets of water they float in the sky and forms the clouds .
The tiny droplets of Water they combined they join together to form big drops of water and these big drops of water they fall on the earth surface in the form of rain.
so now the rain water it falls on the water bodies and some and some of it is absorb by the soil and it retains in the form of soil water or underground water .
some of the water we bring to the earth surface for our use from the wells or tube wells .
it is also used by some terrestrial animals and plants for their various vital activities .so this way the water it had given out from the earth and now it is back on the earth surface again and finally the water cycle ends
This water cycle basically continues over and over again throughout the season throughout the year .....
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BY SILU12.....☺️