Computer Science, asked by nakul1672, 1 month ago

what Is Bipolar With 8Zero Substitution For Scrambling In Signal Techinique


Answered by answeringkings


A computer network is designed to send information from one point to another. Data that we send can either be digital or analog. Also signals that represent data can also be digital or analog.

Thus to send data by using signals, we must able to convert data into signals this conversion can be Analog to Analog, Analog to Digital, Digital to Analog or Digital to Digital.

Digital to Digital conversion involves three techniques – Line Coding, Block Coding, and Scrambling. Line Coding is always needed, whereas Block Coding and Scrambling may or may not be needed depending upon need.

Scrambling is a technique that does not increase the number of bits and does provide synchronization. Problem with technique like Bipolar AMI(Alternate Mark Inversion) is that continuous sequence of zero’s create synchronization problems one solution to this is Scrambling.

There are two common scrambling techniques:

B8ZS(Bipolar with 8-zero substitution)

HDB3(High-density bipolar3-zero)

B8ZS(Bipolar with 8-zero substitution) –

This technique is similar to Bipolar AMI except when eight consecutive zero-level voltages are encountered they are replaced by the sequence,”000VB0VB”.


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