Physics, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

What is black hole ?


Answered by Anonymous
Hello dear,

Black hole is a region in space where the gravtational force is so strong that nothing not even light can escape it.
Now as per now knowledge we know there arr basically there types of them.


Answered by Anonymous

Very Good Question...Keep Progressing

Here is your answer---

The term Black Hole is coined by American Astronomer ''John Wheeler'', in 1967. The First Black Holes was discovered in 1971.

Black Holes are the Strangest and the most powerful objects found in Outer space which have the extremely high Density with such strongest gravitational force that no other object even Electromagnetic radiations cannot escape from their gasp if it comes near enough.

Generally Black Holes [As per as research in Universal Science] are of three types-

@---Stellar Black Holes.
@---Supper massive Black Holes.
@---Intermediate Black Holes.

Also, In easy terms, Black whole is defined as ''An imaginary place where objects,files or light go when lost for no apparent reason''.

~~In our Milky Way Galaxy [ Also known as Akash Ganga], there are many Black holes which cannot be count. It is just like counting grains of the sand in the beach or counting the stars in the sky.

We do not know much about Black holes, because the research is going on the mysterious Black Hole. It may be complete in near Future.

~~Stephen Hawking was one of the greatest scientists who has solved some of the mystery of the Black Holes.

The Book '' Black Hole and Baby Universe'' and '' The Brief History of time'' which are written by the Stephen Hawking is all related to to the Black holes and gives whole account  [which has been proved by the research] of it.

Hope it helps.

Have a nice day.

Steph0303: superb answer bro
Steph0303: keep up this good work
Anonymous: Thanks
Steph0303: my pleasure
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