what is BOD in detail ? with the help of diagram
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Full From of BOD :- Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD, also called biological oxygen demand).
The BOD value is most commonly expressed in milligrams of oxygen consumed per litre of sample during 5 days of incubation at 20 °C and is often used as a surrogate of the degree of organicpollution of water.
BOD can be used as a gauge of the effectiveness of wastewater treatment plants. It is listed as a conventional pollutant in the U.S. Clean Water Act.
BOD is similar in function to chemical oxygen demand (COD), in that both measure the amount of organic compounds in water. However, COD is less specific, since it measures everything that can be chemically oxidized, rather than just levels of biodegradable organic matter.
Discovery of BOD:-
The Royal Commission on River Pollution, which was established in 1865 and the formation of the Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal in 1898 led to the selection in 1908 of BOD5 as the definitive test for organic pollution of rivers.
measurement method of BOD:- There are two commonly recognized methods for the measurement of BOD.
Dilution method:-
This standard method is recognized by U.S. EPA, which is labeled Method 5210B in the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater In order to obtain BOD5, dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in a sample must be measured before and after the incubation period, and appropriately adjusted by the sample corresponding dilution factor.
BOD5 is calculated by:
Unseeded:- BOD5:- (D0 - D5)/P
seeded :- BOD5 - (D0 - D5)- (B0 - B5)f/ P
<> D0= is the dissolved oxygen (DO) of the diluted solution after preparation (mg/l) D5 is the DO of the diluted solution after 5 day incubation (mg/l)
<> D5= is the DO of the diluted solution after 5 day incubation (mg/l)
<> P= is the decimal dilution factor
Manometric method:-
This method is limited to the measurement of the oxygen consumption due only to carbonaceous oxidation. Ammonia oxidation is inhibited.
The main advantages of this method compared to the dilution method are:
simplicity: no dilution of sample required, no seeding, no blank sample.
direct reading of BOD value.
continuous display of BOD value at the current incubation time.
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Full From of BOD :- Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD, also called biological oxygen demand).
The BOD value is most commonly expressed in milligrams of oxygen consumed per litre of sample during 5 days of incubation at 20 °C and is often used as a surrogate of the degree of organicpollution of water.
BOD can be used as a gauge of the effectiveness of wastewater treatment plants. It is listed as a conventional pollutant in the U.S. Clean Water Act.
BOD is similar in function to chemical oxygen demand (COD), in that both measure the amount of organic compounds in water. However, COD is less specific, since it measures everything that can be chemically oxidized, rather than just levels of biodegradable organic matter.
Discovery of BOD:-
The Royal Commission on River Pollution, which was established in 1865 and the formation of the Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal in 1898 led to the selection in 1908 of BOD5 as the definitive test for organic pollution of rivers.
measurement method of BOD:- There are two commonly recognized methods for the measurement of BOD.
Dilution method:-
This standard method is recognized by U.S. EPA, which is labeled Method 5210B in the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater In order to obtain BOD5, dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in a sample must be measured before and after the incubation period, and appropriately adjusted by the sample corresponding dilution factor.
BOD5 is calculated by:
Unseeded:- BOD5:- (D0 - D5)/P
seeded :- BOD5 - (D0 - D5)- (B0 - B5)f/ P
<> D0= is the dissolved oxygen (DO) of the diluted solution after preparation (mg/l) D5 is the DO of the diluted solution after 5 day incubation (mg/l)
<> D5= is the DO of the diluted solution after 5 day incubation (mg/l)
<> P= is the decimal dilution factor
Manometric method:-
This method is limited to the measurement of the oxygen consumption due only to carbonaceous oxidation. Ammonia oxidation is inhibited.
The main advantages of this method compared to the dilution method are:
simplicity: no dilution of sample required, no seeding, no blank sample.
direct reading of BOD value.
continuous display of BOD value at the current incubation time.
I Hope it's help you..!!!
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sorry thoda chota ans do
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