what is boromine where is found
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bromine is found naturally in rhe earths crust and in seawater in various chemical forms bromine can also be found as an alternative to chlorine in swimming pool product containing bromine are used in agriculture and sanitation and as fire retardants
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What is bromine. Where it is found?
What bromine is?
- Bromine is a naturally occurring element that is a liquid at room temperature.
- It has a brownish-red color with a bleach-like odor, and it dissolves in water.
Where bromine is found?
- Bromine is found naturally in the earth’s crust and in seawater in various chemical forms.
- Bromine can also be found as an alternative to chlorine in swimming pools.
How bromine works?
- Bromine works by directly irritating the skin, mucous membranes, and tissues.
- The seriousness of poisoning caused by bromine depends on the amount, route, and length of time of exposure, as well as the age and preexisting medical condition of the person exposed.
Immediate signs and symptoms of exposure to bromine :-
- Breathing bromine gas could cause you to cough, have trouble breathing, get a headache, have irritation of your mucous membranes (inside your mouth, nose, etc.), be dizzy, or have watery eyes.
- Getting bromine liquid or gas on your skin could cause skin irritation and burns. Liquid bromine that touches your skin may first cause a cooling sensation that is closely followed by a burning feeling.
- Swallowing bromine-containing compounds (combinations of bromine with other chemicals) would cause different effects depending on the compound. Swallowing a large amount of bromine in a short period of time would be likely to cause symptoms such as nausea and vomiting (gastrointestinal symptoms).
- Showing these signs and symptoms does not necessarily mean that a person has been exposed to bromine.
Long-term health effects of exposure to bromine :-
- Survivors of serious poisoning caused by inhaling (breathing in) bromine may have long-term lung problems.
- People who survive serious bromine poisoning may also have long-term effects from damage done by what is called systemic poisoning, for example, kidney or brain damage from low blood pressure.
How you can protect yourself, and what to do if you are exposed to bromine :-
- First, get fresh air by leaving the area where the bromine was released. Moving to an area with fresh air is a good way to reduce the possibility of negative health effects from exposure to bromine.
- If the bromine release was outdoors, move away from the area where the bromine was released. Go to the highest ground possible, because bromine is heavier than air and will sink to low-lying areas.
- If the bromine release was indoors, get out of the building.
- If you are near a release of bromine, emergency coordinators may tell you to either evacuate (leave) the area or to “shelter in place” (stay where you are) inside a building to avoid being exposed to the chemical. For more information on evacuation during a chemical emergency, see “Facts About Evacuation.” For more information on sheltering in place during a chemical emergency, see “Facts About Sheltering in Place.”
- If you think you may have been exposed to bromine, you should remove your clothing, rapidly wash your entire body with soap and water, and get medical care as quickly as possible.
Removing your clothes:
- Quickly take off clothing that may have bromine on it. Any clothing that has to be pulled over your head should be cut off your body instead of pulled over your head.
- If you are helping other people remove their clothing, try to avoid touching any contaminated areas, and remove the clothing as quickly as possible.
Disposing of your clothes:
- After you have washed yourself, place your clothing inside a plastic bag. Avoid touching contaminated areas of the clothing. If you can’t avoid touching contaminated areas, or you aren’t sure where the contaminated areas are, wear rubber gloves or put the clothing in the bag using tongs, tool handles, sticks, or similar objects.
- Anything that touches the contaminated clothing should also be placed in the bag. If you wear contacts, put them in the plastic bag, too.
- When the local or state health department or emergency personnel arrive, tell them what you did with your clothes. The health department or emergency personnel will arrange for further disposal. Do not handle the plastic bags yourself.
- For more information about cleaning your body and disposing of your clothes after a chemical release, see “Chemical Agents: Facts About Personal Cleaning and Disposal of Contaminated Clothing.”
How bromine poisoning is treated ?
- Bromine poisoning is treated with supportive medical care (for example, oxygen, fluids given through a needle into your vein) in a hospital setting. No specific antidote exists for bromine poisoning. (An antidote is a medicine that reverses the effects of a poison.) The most important thing is for people to remove themselves from the exposure site and seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
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