English, asked by nikki62, 1 year ago

What is brainly? Explain in an brief and an elaborated manner.
Points: 25 :)


Answered by TheRuhanikaDhawan
Brainly is an educational site which helps students in solving their homework and all their doubts regarding their subject and can get it clarified withe help of millions of students who use Brainly and brainly is a learning platform where many students can help each other and also share their knowledge with others and there are students from primary school and secondary school etc almost students of all ages are in brainly and all have the thirst to learn 

Brainly originally launched as Zadane.pl , Brainly was found in Krakow, Poland on September 2009, by  Michal Borkowski, Tomasz Kraus and it is available in many languages and is also in many countries and it is also one the the revolutionary start ups who will be the game changer in the market of social learning websites and brainly has connected more than 80 million students from around the world

There are many ranks in brainly like 
2)helping hand 

and in app there are 2 extra ranks added one is apprentice and the other is rising star
and these are the normal ranks that anyone can attain if they fulfill the requirements for that rank like number of points , number of brainliest answers etc 

There are few more ranks in brainly which are given to only special users who follow the rules of brainly and give constantly good answers and also report spam things happening in brainly and we take care of each and every user in brainly so there are some people recruited as moderators so that we can teach spammers a lesson and make them good users and follow the rules of brainly and if you are bothered by some spammers do not worry as you are safe with us as there are moderators recruited for the same and if any user is abused by any other user such cases will be dealt seriously 

Brainly benefactors help in increasing the content of the site by asking different types of questions and answering many question by explaining them well and they help many users in their homework and if you did you job properly as a benefactor you will be chosen for moderator post which is the most respected and highest post in brainly

There are some of the special ranks given to some exceptional users and they are 
2)brainly guru
4)brainly benefactors
5)brainly teacher

There are many rules and regulations to be followed in brainly such as
1)we should not copy from net
2)we should not spam in answers
3)we should give well explained answers as much as possible
4)we should not irritate other users in brainly
5)we should we friendly with each other
6)we should not chat in the comment section of answers  etc

I have been here in brainly since 5 november 2015 . Brainly is a very good learning app it taught me many things , and I like brainly very much and our doubts will get clarified and we will feel happy when we clarify other students doubts as we share our knowledge with each other as 'sharing is caring' and also brainly assures that you will get quality answers by which you will be satisfied .

nikki62: Nice answer
TheRuhanikaDhawan: thanks
Answered by nobitanobi
Hii friend,

Brainly, is an educational app which helps students in a very friendly manner. There are points which you earn and based on that, there are ranks given. However, there are some special ranks given to some special users.

=> Moderators: They are always active and delete spam answers.

=> Brainly benefactors: They are expected to ask a lot of questions and answer many answers.

=> Helpers: They answer all the questions in a proper, brief manner

=> Content quality: The quality of answers is outstanding.

It is an app for all the students to help each other. A real friendly app.

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