What is brainly stars rank!
Leaders will be giving you a rank "Brainly star " which is a great honor for your contributions. You will be promoted to brainly benefactors too if you do well as a brainly star. This team is formed to make content quality a basic thing in answering.
please mark me as brainlist please
We are glad that you want to be a brainly star and want to contribute more and more to brainly by being a brainly star. As we know that brainly provide users with many extra ranks other than default ones. We have a rank named as Brainly star.
Brainly star is a rank given to those users who have contributed with someb answers with good content quality and also have good behaviour and communication skills.
Well, let's know more about brainly star rank and how to achieve it -:
•CONTENT QUALITY- Brainly aims to provide askers with the best answers with good content quality so they use brainly more and get helped by other users. So the first thing matters is Content quality in answer. You should always explain your each answer whether it's multiple choice questions, fill ups, or questions answers. You should always answer in atleast 5-6 lines that will make you closer to get the rank of brainly star.
•COMMUNICATION SKILLS- What matters before content quality, is how you behave, how you react, how you deal, so you should have good and friendly communication skills with other users so they feel comfortable on brainly and also can ask freely about their dillemas anytime. If you are rude, and gets irritated while solving problems, you should improve that part of yours. You should be calm at hard times as well and should find out ways which can be helpful in every aspects. You should be confident while putting up your views , and should be smart while asking your problems
"Find solutions for problems, don't make problems a Solution".
•FAIR NUMBER OF ANSWERS- To be a brainly star, you must answer atleast 30-50 question with good quality as I said. As that marks your experience on brainly. And also it helps other to see how your answer quality is.
•Knowing some of the basic rules of brainly- Till you don't know the rules of brainly a bit, you will not be able to follow them and may break them without knowing. so knowing basics of brainly are needed.
•Active on brainly- You should be fairly active on brainly enough to complete the tasks which you are given after you are a brainly star. Then if you will be active you will be able to complete them, otherwise not, and if continuously not completing target, you may get demoted/removed as well.
•Never spam and copy - Copying/stealing answers and spamming is against brainly rules and this can spoil the team name. So whoever copies/steal answers/spam can never be a brainly star till he/she stops doing that. And if you do all this after being a brainly star, he/she will be removed after being warned. If he/she apologise and don't repeat, no action will be taken. But despite several warnings if one do that, he/she will be surely removed.
What we need from brainly stars?
We dont need anything, just we want that all brainly star follow the rules and make the team name good not bad. We want them to answer with good quality and with best information and good behaviour.
What are the advantages of being a brainly star?
Being a brainly star is itself a great thing, and the rank you get , makes a feeling of proudness. And we also do give extra points as rewards for Various events that take place in the star team. Also you get to know about rules and brainly a lot more. And also you improve yourself by staying with each other in a team and when you share knowledge.
That's all we need from you and that's all for brainly star rank and what's brainly star.
Here ur answer:☺️
Before moving to ur question, let me tell where is the brainly star came from.
●Brainly star
●Brainly benefactor
●Brainly moderator
So now ur question, What is the work of brainly star?
Brainly star is the 1st step of rank which step by step provides u more and best ranks. Brainly star rankers provide u very very best answers.
The persons here choosen by the leader as brainly star by his/her improvement on their way of answering.
After becoming brainly star:
U r watch by the moderators or leaders. They always check ur way of answering. There would be some tasks for u. Moderators or leaders of brainly watch u. If u done it, moderators or leader of brain ku send u one invitation to become brainly star.