Biology, asked by HappiestWriter012, 1 year ago

what is cell,explain parts of cell

Nikki57: I know this answer
Nikki57: :(
Nikki57: anyways I will get another chance
Nikki57: :(


Answered by ImRitz

Cell is the smallest structural, functional, biological and basic unit of a living organism. The word "cell" is derived from a Latin word "cella" which means "small room".

Parts of cell:-

1) Cell Membrane

2) Chloroplast

3) Cytoplasm

4) Endoplasmic Reticulum

5) Golgi Body

6) Vacuole

7) Lysosome

8) Mitochondria

9) Nuclear Envelope

10) Nucleolus

11) Nucleus

12) Ribosome

13) Cell Wall

Nikki57: Nice
dainvincible1: the question says explain the parts of cell
jesuschrist: NICE
HappiestWriter012: ,great answer
Nikki57: yup
Answered by Nikki57
Hi friend,

Cell is fundamental structural and biological unit of life of all living organisms. Cells means a small room. Study of cell is called as cell biology or cytology. Cells are also known a building blocks of life. Robert hooke discovered cell in 1665.he observed cells in a Cork slice with help of a microscope. Cells are of two times prokaryotic (cells which do not have a well defined nucleus) and eucaryotic(cells with a well defined nucleus.). The organisms with only one cell are known as unicellular organisms but on the other side the organisms having more than one cell are known as multicellular organisms. There are different types of cell in our body like RBC, WBC, Sperm cell, ovum cell, nerve cell, etc.

Cell has different parts called as organelles.

Let's discuss about them---:

<>Cell membrane or Plasma membrane----Cell membrane is the outermost covering of cell which protects cell from the contents outside from the cell. As if prevents the movement of other materials it is also called as selectively permeable membrane. But CO2 and o2 move around the cell by diffusion. Water also move through the cell by the process of osmosis. Cell membrane is made up of fats and proteins and is flexible. This flexibility of cell membrane helps cell to engulf the food from outside environment.

<>Nucleus----Nucleus is the brain of cell. It has double layered covering which is known as nuclear membrane which is perforated at places to transfer material from inside nucleus to outside of nucleus ie.cytoplasm. The nucleus has chromosomes in it which is entangled mass of thread but they appear rod like only when the cell is to divide. Chromosomes contains genes which has unit of inheritance called as DNA(Dioxyribo Nucleic Acid). DNA molecules carry hereditary information from one generation to another the and helps in constructing and organising cell. Nucleus plays an important role in cellular reproduction as well.

<>Cytoplasm----It is the fluid content that is present between the cell membrane and the nucleus. It contains many organelles like mitochondria, ribosomes, etc. We will discuss about them soon.

<>Cell organelles---- There are different types of cell organelles. Let's discuss-:

Mitochondria--It is known as the powerhouse of the cell. The energy which is required for various activities of cell is produced by the mitochondria in form of ATP(Adenosine Tri Phosphate). It is known as the energy currency of cell. It has two membranes. Mitochondria has its own DNA and Ribosomes so it prepared it's own proteins.

Lysosomes--It is called as suicidal bag of the cell. It helps to digest the foreign bodies like bacterias are end up by those Lysosomes which break them into smaller pieces. As they have powerful digestive enzymes they can do this work. Lysosomes are membrane bound sacs with enzymes made up of RER.

Golgi bodies---it was described by Camillo Golgi for the first time.

Endoplasmic reticulum---These are of two types- RER(rough endoplasmic reticulum) and SER(smooth endoplasmic reticulum).It is a network of membranes.

Vacuoles----It helps in expelling excess water and some wastes from the cell.

Plastids-----Plastids are of three types---Chloroplasts also called as kitchen of the cell. Chloroplasts. Chloroplasts gives colour to the plants and flowers. And leucoplast are colourless plastids.

Cell wall---Present only in plant cells and made up of cellulose. It prevents the entering of external environment in the cell.

Ribosomes-----Protein factory of the cell. Helps in protein synthesis of the cell.

Hope it helps...................

Pls mark as brainliest if it helped............

HappiestWriter012: please try attaching a pic
Nikki57: sur
Nikki57: sure*
Nikki57: and thanks for selecting my answer as brainliest.
HappiestWriter012: you deserve it
Nikki57: :)
vishagh: Gud explanation nikki..!!! :)
Nikki57: thank u Vishagh bhai.......... :)
jesuschrist: superb explanation nikki57
Nikki57: thanks brother.......
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