what is charging friction?
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The frictional charging process results in a transfer of electrons between the two objects that are eubved each other.....
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Charging by friction :
- When two bodies rub against each other, some seen charge usually moves from one to the other.
- Both the bodies then acquire equal and opposite charge.
- For example, suppose a body A rubs against a body B and Q amount of negative charge moves from A to B then B will have -Q charge and A will have + Q charge.
- This process of transfer of charge occurs all the time, whenever bodies rub against each other, for example, when shoes rub against the floor or a pencil rubs against paper.
- However, in most cases, the amount of charge which appear on the bodies are so small that we do not notice their effects.
- Only some materials exchange large amounts of charge when they are rubbed against each other.
- Some examples of such materials are glass, human hair, nylon, wool , silk, aluminium, paper, cotton, Amber ( a resin) , hard rubber, polyester, styrofoam , polythene.
- The Materials mentioned above are in such a way that a material that is higher up in the series becomes positively charged when it is rubbed against the material that is lower down the series.
- Such a list or series of materials is called a triboelectric series
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