Science, asked by jassanirmaan444, 4 months ago

what is chemical eqauation​


Answered by PsychoUnicorn

\bf{Chemical\: Equation :} A chemical equation is the symbolic representation of a chemical reaction.

  • The equation is also called a word equation.

  • The symbols of the reactants and products are always the same.

  • Products are always written on the right side in a chemical equation by applying plus sign (+) between the products.

  • A chemical equation shows the changes of reactants to the product by an arrow (→) placed between them.

  • On the LHS of an arrow, reactants are written and on the RHS products are written in the chemical equation.


  • \bf{H_2+O_2 \longrightarrow H_2O}

  • \bf{Zn+H_2SO_4 \longrightarrow +ZnSO_4+H_2}

The chemical equation can be made more informative by applying symbols :

  • Solid - (s)
  • Liquid - (l)
  • Gases - (g)
  • Aqueous solution - (aq)
  • Reactants which produce gas in reaction - (↑)
  • Reactants which produce solid in reaction - (↓)

Answered by Anonymous


Chemical reaction, a process in which one or more substances, the reactants, are converted to one or more different substances, the products. ... A chemical reaction rearranges the constituent atoms of the reactants to create different substances as products.

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