What is chemical formula? What it represents?
Chemical formula detrmines the elements included in the compound and the number of atoms.
It represents the elements with their specific symbol.
Hope it helps you.
Meaning of chemical formula:
- The representation of the molecule of a substance in a symbolic form is called a chemical formula.
- Chemical formula represents the no. of atoms of each element present in a molecule of the substance.
- For e.g, the molecular formula of water is .
- The chemical formula is also called the molecular formula.
Importance of chemical formula :
Take the example of water. The chemical formula of water is .
(i) It is known from the formula that one molecule of hydrogen and two molecules of oxygen combine.
(ii) The valency of oxygen is 2 while that of hydrogen is 1.
(iii) has a mass of 18. The atomic weight of oxygen is 16, and that of hydrogen is 2.
(iv) The compound is electrically neutral. Therefore, there is no charge on it.
While writing a chemical formula following rules should be followed :
(1) The valency or charge of the ion must be balanced.
(2) When a compound is formed by combining a metal and a non-metal, the name or symbol of the metal is first written in the chemical formula.
- Examples are calcium chloride (), Sodium chloride (NaCl), Iron Sulfide (FeS), Copper Oxide (CuO), etc.
- Where oxygen, chlorine, and sulfur are non-metals, they are written on the right, while calcium, sodium, iron, and copper are metals and they are written on the left.
(3) In compounds formed by polyatomic ions, first put the ion in the bracket. Afterward, write down the number showing the ratios.
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