what is chemical name of fitkari
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potassium alum, potash alum or potassium aluminum sulphate is a chemical compound.its chemical formula is KAI ( SO 4)2 and it is commonly found in its dodecahydrate form as KAI ( SO4)
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ALUM is the chemical name of fitkari.
- Potash alum, Potassium alum or “potassium aluminum sulphate” is the chemical name with its formula as
Seen in common as dodecahydrate.
- This is a formal combination of “anhydrous potassium aluminium sulphate” with 12 Mole equivalent of water.
- Used for water purification, dyeing, fireproof textiles, leather, tanning, baking powder.
- It has the property of flame retardant, astringent, mordant and Contraction of body tissues.
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