Physics, asked by jyotijaiswara54352, 3 months ago

what is chemical properties of zinc???​


Answered by kavya5024


1. Zinc re­acts rapid­ly with air, grad­u­al­ly form­ing a dull grey zinc ox­ide coat­ing.

2.Ad­di­tion­al­ly, zinc re­acts with halo­gens, oxy­gen, chalco­gens, al­ka­lis, acids, am­mo­nia and am­mo­ni­um salts, and even with less ac­tive met­als.

3. Zinc re­acts with both acids and al­ka­lis, mak­ing it an am­pho­ter­ic met­al. When re­act­ing with al­ka­lis, the el­e­ment forms com­plex com­pounds known as hy­droxo-zin­cates.

Answered by YOGESHmalik025

ZINC ( Zn )

atomic no - 30

some of the physical properties ;

-- We can't let it be in atmosphere others it will react with O2

- Zinc is very reactive

- So , we put in KEROSENE oil

- It has shinny surface ....

- Zinc can be cut down by knife

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