what is chlorenchyma,Parenchyma and sclerenchyma ?
Collenchyma tissue is composed by elongated living cells of uneven primary thick walls, which possess hemicellulose, cellulose, and pectic materials. It provides support, structure, mechanical strength, and flexibility to the petiole, leaf veins, and stem of young plants, allowing for easy bending without breakage.
Parenchyma is a term used to describe the functional tissues in plants and animals. This tissue is “functional” – performing tasks such as photosynthesis in plants or storing information in the human brain – as opposed to “structural” tissues like wood in plants or bone in animals.
Sclerenchyma, in plants, support tissue composed of any of various kinds of hard woody cells. Mature sclerenchyma cells are usually dead cells that have heavily thickened secondary walls containing lignin. ... Sclerenchyma cells occur in many different shapes and sizes, but two main types occur: fibres and sclereids.
- Chlorenchyma makes up the mesophyll tissue of plant leaves and is also found in the stems of certain plant species. Compare collenchyma; sclerenchyma. From: chlorenchyma in A Dictionary of Biology.
- Parenchyma, in plants, tissue typically composed of living cells that are thin-walled, unspecialized in structure, and therefore adaptable, with differentiation, to various functions. ...
- Sclerenchyma tissue, when mature, is composed of dead cells that have heavily thickened walls containing lignin and a high cellulose content (60%–80%), and serves the function of providing structural support in plants. Sclerenchyma cells possess two types of cell walls: primary and secondary walls.