what is circular motion and centripetal and centrifugal force
Centrifugal Force Centripetal Force
Meaning Tendency of an object following a curved path to fly away from the center of curvature. Might be described as “lack of centripetal force.” The force that keeps an object moving with a uniform speed along a circular path.
Direction Along the radius of the circle, from the center towards the object. Along the radius of the circle, from the object towards the center.
Example Mud flying off a tire; children pushed out on a roundabout. Satellite orbiting a planet
Formula Fc = mv2/r Fc = mv2/r
Defined by Chistiaan Hygens in 1659 Isaac Newton in 1684
Is it a real force? No; centrifugal force is the inertia of motion. Yes; centripetal force keeps the object from "flying out".
Centrifugal force is ubiquitous in our daily lives. We experience it when we round a corner in a car or when an airplane banks into a turn. We see it in the spin cycle of a washing machine or when children ride on a merry-go-round. One day it may even provide artificial gravity for space ships and space stations.