what is coducter and insulaters
Conductor -
In physics and electrical engineering, a conductor is an object or type of material that allows the flow of charge (electrical current) in one or more directions. Materials made of metal are common electrical conductors. Electrical current is generated by the flow of negatively charged electrons, positively charged holes, and positive or negative ions in some cases.
An electrical insulator is a material whose internal electric charges do not flow freely; very little electric current will flow through it under the influence of an electric field. This contrasts with other materials, semiconductors and conductors, which conduct electric current more easily. The property that distinguishes an insulator is its resistivity; insulators have higher resistivity than semiconductors or conductors.
A conductor is a material which electricity, heat or sound can flow through. An electrical conductor conducts electricity. The ability to conduct electricity is called electrical conductivity. Most metals, like iron and copper, are electrical conductors. These metals are used to make wires to carry electric current.
Insulators are materials that inhibit the flow of electrical current. The opposite of conductors, which allow electric particles to flow freely, insulators are implemented in household items and electrical circuits as protection. Thermal insulation is similar, but it constricts the flow of heat rather than electricity.