What is coelum, Pseudocoelom and hemocoel
A pseudocoelom is a body cavity that lies between mesodermal and endodermal tissue and is, therefore, not completely surrounded by mesodermal tissue. A “true” coelom is completely surrounded by mesodermal tissue, and can thus be subdivided into compartments.
Coelum :-
Coelom is a fluid filled space between the body wall and gut wall and lined by mesoderm on all of its sides. ... Animals that possess a fluid filled cavity between body wall and digestive tract are known as coelomates.
pseudocoelom :-
pseudocoelom A second body cavity (the first being the gut) which occupies a space between the mesoderm of the body wall and the endoderm of the gut.
hemocoel :-
When filled with fluid, the hemocoel expands against the body wall and fibrous tissues, providing a rigid framework and stretching opposing muscles. This same fluid pressure, generated by contraction of other muscles, allows the foot to extend from the shell and penetrate…