Biology, asked by tarunchatterjee720, 6 months ago

what is coenoserk ?​


Answered by nishu6157


In corals, the coenosarc is the living tissue overlying the stony skeletal material of the coral. It secretes the coenosteum, the layer of skeletal material lying between the corallites. The coensarc is composed of mesogloea between two thin layers of epidermis and is continuous with the body wall of the polyps.


hope it helps you

Answered by MauryaMahi


dear stranger I think that u have a spelling mistake it shouldn't be coenoserk it shoud be coenosarc


coensark: In corals, the coenosarc is the living tissue overlying the stony skeletal material of the coral. It secretes the coenosteum, the layer of skeletal material lying between the corallites. The coensarc is composed of mesogloea between two thin layers of epidermis and is continuous with the body wall of the polyps.

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