what is coke write the uses also
A solid black substance produced from coal and used as a fuel
Uses of Coke:
The most common use of coke is as a fuel for stoves, furnaces and blacksmithing. It is sometimes preferred over coal because burning coke produces very little smoke. It is also used to produce iron in a blast furnace. Coke is used to manufacture steel and many other materials.
Coke is a black porous substance. It is produced by the destructive distillation of coal. Burning of a substance containing carbon in the absence of air is called destructive distillation. Destructive distillation of coal produces coke, coal tar, coal gas, and ammoniacal liquor. The residue left behind after destructive distillation of coal is called coke. it contains about 90% carbon.
Uses of coke:-
* Coke is used as a fuel.
* It has a vital role in iron and steel industries as a reducing agent.
* It is used in the production of water gas and producer gas.
* It is used for the extraction of metals from their oxides and sulphur ores.