what is colloidal solution?
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A colloid is a mixture in which one substance consisting of microscopically dispersed insoluble particles is suspended throughout another substance. However, some definitions specify that the particles must be dispersed in a liquid, and others extend the definition to include substances like aerosols and gels
hiii bhai kya kr rhe ho kaise hi
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- It appears to be Homogeneous but actually it is a heterogeneous mixture of solute and solvent.
- The solute particles are between 10‐⁷ cm and 10‐⁵ cm in diameter.
- The particles are visible with the help of microscope.
- The particles can pàss through ordinary filter paper.
- The particles also show Tyndall effect.
- The particles do not settle due to gravity.
- e.g : clouds, mud , most of the syrups, etc
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