What is colour blindness
Colour Blindness is a reduced ability to differentiate between certain colours.
This condition is often inherited.Other causes include certain eye diseaes and medication.
It is a fact that more men than women are affected..
I hope it helps you..
☞ Colour Blindness is a sex linked recessive disorder.
☞ It's mutant gene is on the X chromosome.
☞ The defect is that the red and green cones of eye and victim is unable to discriminate between red and green colours.
☞ Inheritance pattern of colour blindness is very similar to that of haemophilia.
☞ Colour Blindness in female is rare.
☞ A heterozygous female has normal vision but is a carrier and passes the disorder to some of her sons.
☞ Marriage between normal visioned male and a carrier female produces normal girls, carrier girls, normal boy and colour blind boy in the ratio 1:1:1:1.
☞ Presence of the allele of colour blindness on one of the X chromosome made the female, a carrier.
☞ Colour blindness is also called a colour vision problem.
☞ A color vision problem isn't always inherited.
☞ In children, color vision problems can affect learning abilities and reading development.