What is community meal
The Community Meal is a free meal open to everyone in the community, served once a month by a Barrington-area church. ... The group's stated goal is to "encourage and strengthen friendships, share kindness and inspire hope in the community by the simple act of sharing a meal together as neighbors."
The Community Meal is a free meal open to everyone in the community, served once a month by a Barrington-area church. ... The group's stated goal is to "encourage and strengthen friendships, share kindness and inspire hope in the community by the simple act of sharing a meal together as neighbors."
want in hindi
सामुदायिक भोजन समुदाय में सभी के लिए एक निःशुल्क भोजन है, जो महीने में एक बार बैरिंगटन-क्षेत्र के चर्च द्वारा परोसा जाता है। ... समूह का घोषित लक्ष्य "दोस्ती को प्रोत्साहित करना और मजबूत करना, दयालुता साझा करना और पड़ोसियों के रूप में एक साथ भोजन साझा करने के सरल कार्य द्वारा समुदाय में आशा को प्रेरित करना है।"