What is comparative scale in geography definition and meaning?
Scaling provides a mechanism for measuring abstract concepts. A comparative scale is an ordinal or rank order scale that can also be referred to as a nonmetric scale. Respondents evaluate two or more objects at one time and objects are directly compared with one another as part of the measuring process.
Mapping is a map creation process to show a part of Earth’s specific surface detail. A map creator positions the exact location of a mountain, building, road, and bridge. Mapping uses computer graphic, hand drawing, and painting to show the detail of the map’s landmarks.
Mapping provides important information about the landmark features. Maps analyze changes to a structure or landmark. A map requires regular update if there are significant changes observed in land features. One example is showing the presence of newly constructed buildings, roads, and bridges.
A map scale is the map distance ratio that corresponds to the actual ground distance. The scale on the map presents a distance measurement between each landmark. As an example on a 1: 1000000 cm scale map shows that 1 centimeter is equal to 1 kilometer on the ground.
Scale Importance:
- · Scale updates recent changes in the map distance. These are the presence of new buildings or road networks.
- · When a new map is recently created, the scale compares the differences between the new and old maps. The comparison detects changes or improvements between the two maps.
- · The presence of scales in a map educates the readers about the prominent landmarks and structures. The map users learn the distance value and the name of prominent features in a specific land area.
- · A map scale guides anyone when visiting an unfamiliar landmark. The scale provides details about the landmark including their distance on the map.
- · Scale prevents confusion between two or more landmarks. Each scale provides factual information to avoid misidentification of a landmark.
- · Measurements on each landmark scale help travelers cut travel time. There are numeric ratios indicated in the scale to calculate an estimated travel time.
- · A map scale informs the public if landmarks are disappeared. These are demolished buildings and roads affected by either nature or human beings.