What is concentration of dna and rna prefer for using nanodrop?
DNA concentration is estimated by measuring the absorbance at 260nm, adjusting the A260 measurement for turbidity (measured by absorbance at 320nm), multiplying by the dilution factor, and using the relationship that an A260 of 1.0 = 50µg/ml pure dsDNA.
Organic extraction would then also be handy to ensure that the prep is really clean. in addition, precipitation should not be done using Ethanol and prolonged precipitation times at -20°C, nor should enhancers like NaCl (or others be used) since all of this will heavily increase the possibility of deoxynucleotide contamination of the precipitate.
However, all of what is being discussed here to my understanding would require sufficient RNA material to be extracted. Since you would like to use a nano-drop, I assume you want to spend as little of your sample as possible to keep you in vitro translated product for the subsequent experiments.
Since you do not provide more information it is obviously very vague what can be suggested further, but perhaps you can consider to measure your RNA after you have fished it out of your reaction with some commercial mRNA extraction kit (e.g. bead based) if anything like this is applicable to both, your RNA and also your downstream experiments.