What is cone and rod cells difference between them with example
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The real work in the retina is performed by light sensitive cells known as photoreceptors. These photoreceptors consist of two different types of specialized cells the rods and cones that absorb light energy and respond by creating nerve impulse.
Our eyes function sometimes in near darkness and sometimes in bright light. These two types os processors involving distinct receptor cell types named for their shapes have evolved for this purpose.
Nearly 125million tiny rods containing the pigment rhodopsin " are present in our eyes,they detect low intestine of light at night, though they cannot make the fine distinctions that give rise to our sensations of colour.
Making the fine distinctions necessary for colour vision is the job of the nearly seven million cones containing the pigment iodopsin that come into play in brighter light. Each cone is specialized to detect the light waves we sense either as blue, red, or yellow and the array of colours formed by their combinations. Thus the yellow field, the bright red morning sun, the blue sky and all other colours in nature are sensed. The cones are concentrated in a small region called fovea in the center of the retina