what is conservation ? why do we need to conserve of water ? give any three ways of conserving water . plz answer my question..
the conservation the process in which we change something into others but total amount of its same
according to law of conservation mass can't be created nor destroyed but it can change form one to another but total amount of energy is same ...
we need to conserve water because It is found most abandant in world's we can make more work form them
most of water conserving in developing countries like Russia , usa , Japan , most interesting information is that Japan can make electric energy form water also water conservablie by different processes like
tidal processes in this process waters is high form it gravitational attraction by moon in coasts areasa by advance countries yhese is large wells or dig thse water through in turn turbine due to this they produce light energy , heating energy , mechanics energy fluid energy and most of chemical energy also produced
wish you all the best
where are you i am waiting.......