Biology, asked by jayasuriya18, 1 year ago

what is considered as eco relegion​


Answered by syedali8


Eight out of 10 people around the world consider themselves religious. That figure shows that, while in many countries religion is not as dominant as it once was, it still has a huge influence on us.

What does that mean for the environmental movement? Does a belief in God or the supernatural make people more or less likely to take care of animals and the environment?

It is easy to make up stories to answer this question. You might say that many religions push the idea that the world will soon come to an end, in which case surely they encourage a "let it burn" ethos: what does it matter if the rainforest gets cut down, if the Rapture is next week? But just as plausibly, you might point out that many religions are big on kindness, and some such as Jainism even forbid killing animals. This should nudge their followers towards caring for the natural world.

Answered by lakshaymadaan18

Bishnois is a social group in the western part of Rajasthan that follows 29 rules given by Guru Jagdembeshwar.

These rules are environment-oriented or towards the health of society and environment. That's why it is known as 'eco-religion'. eg. some rules are directed towards personal hygiene and maintaining good basic health, few focuses on healthy social behaviour, others cater to tenets to worship God. Some rules have been prescribed to preserve bio-diversity and encourage good animal husbandry. These include a ban on killing animals and felling green trees, and providing protection to all life forms. The community is also sees to the fact that the firewood they use is devoid of small insects.

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