what is constitution and its types
Constitution may be written or unwritten. Constitution deals with the composition and power of the government. Constitution deals with the rights of citizens. Constitution deals with the relationship between the governments and governed. Constitution is the supreme law that must be followed.
A constitution is a basic design, which deals with the structure and powers of the government. It also includes rights and duties of citizens. Very often ‘constitution’ is understood as a document which has been written and accepted at a particular time, but this is not the true meaning of constitution, constitution may be written or may be unwritten.
Sometimes it is found as an established body of rules, maxims, traditions and practices in accordance with which its government is organized and its powers and exercised. Many political thinkers have tried to define the term ‘constitution’.
Aristotle explains, “Constitution as the way in which, citizens or the component parts of the state are arranged in relation to one another”.
According to Woolsey, a constitution “the collection of principal according to which he powers of the government rights of the government and relations between the two are adjusted.”
Bryce defines it as “the aggregate of laws and customs under which the life of state goes on the complex totality of laws embodying the principles and rules whereby the community is organized, governed and held together”.
Herman Finer says, - “the state is a human grouping in which rules a certain power relationship between its individuals and associated constituents. This power relationship is embodied in political institutions. The system of fundamental political institutions is the constitution the autobiography of the power relationship.”
Bouncier defines a constitution as “the fundamental law of a state directing the principles upon which the government is founded and regulating the exercise of the sovereign powers, directly to what bodies of persons thee powers shall be confined and the manner of their exercise.
George Cornewell Lewis describes the constitution as “the arrangement and distribution of sovereign power in the community or the form of the government”.
Charles Baregeaud says – “A constitution is the fundamental law according to which the relations of individuals or normal persons to the community are determined. It may be a written instrument, a precise text or series of text enacted at a given time by a sovereign power or it may be the more or less definite results of a series of legislative acts, ordinances, judicial decisions, precedents and customs of diverse origin and of unequal and importance”.
Sir James Mackintosh says “By the constitution of a state, means the body of those written or unwritten fundamental laws which regulate the most important rights of the higher magistrates the most essential privileges of the subjects.
According to Leacock - “constitution is the form of government”.
Austin has defined constitution saying, “That it fixes the structure of supreme government.”
Hence, on the basis of above definitions we can say that,
Constitution is the fundamental law of the land
Constitution may be written or unwritten
Constitution deals with the composition and power of the government.
Constitution deals with the rights of citizens.
Constitution deals with the relationship between the governments and governed.
Constitution is the supreme law that must be followed