What is continuous charge distribution with types
Hiii frnd....
Continuous charge distribution is a system of closely spaced charges
Linear charge density
Surface charge density
Volume charge density
Hope it helps......
There are three types of charge distributions :
a) Linear Charge Distribution. In this distribution the charge is distributed uniformly along a line in a straight line or circumference of a circle. This is represented by λ, the linear density of charge, which is equal to charge per unit length.
λ =dq/dl
Where dq is a small amount of charge in small length dl.
It is measured in C/m.
b) Surface Charge Distribution. In this distribution the charge is distributed continuously over some area. This is represented by σ, the surface density of charge, which is equal to charge per unit area.
σ = dq/dS
where dq is a small amount of charge in small area dS.
It is measured in C/m2.
c) Volume Charge Distribution. In this distribution the charge is continuously distributed over a volume, for example a sphere or a cube. It is represented by ρ.
The volume density of charge which is equal to charge per unit volume.
Ρ = dq/dV
Where dq is a small amount of charge in small volume dV.
It is measured in C/m3.
So above are the three types of charge distributions.
Point Charge :
Any charge which covers a space with dimensions much less than its
distance from an observation point can be taken as a point charge.