Biology, asked by reddysingambhaskar, 1 year ago

what is corona how is this virus is spreading???​


Answered by avitaylor101


Corona is one of the very dangerous virus at present time . This virus is spreading due to the human carless and lack of strong supervision of government

Answered by SwastikaSarkar


With cases of the new coronavirus reported in all 50 states, health officials are focused on slowing the spread. By understanding how coronavirus spreads, you can take the right steps so you don't get sick and infect others.

Person-to-Person Transmission

Experts believe the virus that causes COVID-19 spreads mainly from person to person. There are several ways this can happen:



Lung Disease & Respiratory Health Coronavirus Reference

How Does Coronavirus Spread?

With cases of the new coronavirus reported in all 50 states, health officials are focused on slowing the spread. By understanding how coronavirus spreads, you can take the right steps so you don't get sick and infect others.

Person-to-Person Transmission

Experts believe the virus that causes COVID-19 spreads mainly from person to person. There are several ways this can happen:

Droplets. When an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, droplets with the virus fly into the air from their nose or mouth. Anyone who is within 6 feet of that person can breathe those droplets into their lungs.

Aerosolized transmission. Research shows that the virus can live in the air for up to 3 hours. When you breathe air that has the virus floating in it, it gets into your lungs.

Surface transmission. Another way to catch the new coronavirus is when you touch surfaces that someone who has the virus has coughed or sneezed on. You may touch a countertop or doorknob that's contaminated and then touch your nose, mouth, or eyes. The virus can live on surfaces like plastic and stainless steel for 2 to 3 days. To stop it, clean and disinfect all counters, knobs, and other surfaces you and your family touch several times a day.

Fecal-oral. Studies also suggest that virus particles can be found in infected people's poop. But experts aren't sure whether the infection can spread through contact with an infected person's stool. If that person uses the bathroom and doesn't wash their hands, they could infect things and people that they touch.

The virus most often spreads through people who have symptoms. But it may be possible to pass it on without showing any signs. Some people who don't know they've been infected can give it to others. This is called asymptomatic spread. You can also pass it on before you notice any signs of infection, called presymptomatic spread.

Community Spread

Sometimes, a person can trace how they got the virus because they know that they've been in contact with someone who's sick. In other cases, the cause is unknown. Community spread is when someone gets the virus without any known contact with a sick person.

Pets and COVID-19

A few pets have tested positive for the new coronavirus. Not all of these animals had signs of illness, but some have had mild symptoms. The animals may have caught the virus from close contact with humans who were infected.

Public health officials say they are still studying COVID-19 but that there’s no evidence that pets play a role in its spread.



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