What is CRR and LRR ?
here is your answer mate....
CRR: Cash Reserve Ratio
CRR stands for Cash Reserve Ratio. It refers to the cash that banks have to maintain with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It is a certain percentage of the total cash held by a bank.CRR keeps changing from time to time. RBI decides the CRR and accordingly banks have to keep a certain percentage of their deposits with RBI.
LRR Leucine - Rich Repeat
LRR Long Range Rifle
LRR LoadingReadyRun (Internet TV shorts)
LRR Long Range Radar
LRR Local Rate Reporting
LRR Low Rolling Resistance
LRR Library Reading Room (various locations)
LRR Long-Range Radar
LRR Launch Readiness Review
LRR Laser Retro-Reflector
LRR Liberty Rock Radio (Grand Theft Auto IV)
LRR Limited Reevaluation Report (USACE)
LRR Legally Responsible Relative
LRR London Rockin' Rollers (roller derby league; UK)
LRR Local Recurrence Rate
LRR Lightweight Rainfall Radiometer
LRR Liquidity Reserve Requirement
LRR Lather, Rinse, Repeat
LRR Lateral Retinacular Release
LRR Little Red Ridinghood
LRR Low-Range Resolution
LRR Localized Route Repair
LRR Laser Radiation Receiver
LRR Link Requires Registration
LRR Lot Rejection Rate (product quality measurement)
LRR Leak and Repair Reports
LRR Legal Reserve Ratio
LRR Logistics Readiness/Requirements Review
LRR Long-Range Requirement
LRR Legal Recovery Resource (Georgia)
thnx thnx ke liye
vasie itne thnx mt do