what is crystalisation?
Cystals of some compounds seenm to be dry (or anhydrous) but
ally conain some warer molecules attached to them, This
Water f8 called waier of crystallisation and such salts are called
hydratedl sales. Water of erystallination is the liNed number of
Water molecules pesent in one formula unit ofa sale, Tive Water
molecules are prexene in one formula unit of copper sulhate
(blue viriol; CusO,311,O), Other salt which posseseN Warer
of erysrallisation is AVPUm(CasO, 211,0), Ie has (wo water
molecules ax warer of eryatallisation. This water is removed by
heating the cryarals of he hydrated salt. Plaster of l'aris
possesses 1/2 molecule of water of erystallisation.
As already discussed, ice and snowflakes are great examples of the crystallization of water.Another interesting example is thecrystallization of honey. ... Over time, sugar molecules within the honey begin to form crystals, through the process of crystallizationdescribed above.